
A Plea for Workers Rights in an Anti-Union State

I was dismayed to see the news that the SC legislature approved a bill giving businesses an exemption on posting a notification that informs workers of their rights to unionize. State workers such as teachers already don't have the right to collectively bargain or strike which means they have to accept the wages they are given or risk being fired. Only 4.6% of all workers in South Carolina are currently in a union, so the idea that unions threaten small and large businesses does not hold water. In addition, South Carolina is a right-to-work state which means there is no requirement for union dues or membership as a condition of employment. A more plausible argument can be advanced that SC Republicans would like to dismantle any remaining support of unions for the Democratic Party in the state. Not only that, but these legislators also want to make certain that SC workers will be working at the minimum wage for the rest of their lives.

As a student that attends Vanderbilt University, I have gotten to see first hand the power of unions to promote the workers' interests. Vanderbilt's union was able to win a raise of 2.75% for its workers with an additional raise of 2%, better sick-time policies, and additional uniforms. Without the union, it is likely that Vanderbilt would have not granted their workers any of these improvements in policy. As a business, the focus is always on maximization of profit. What incentive is there to guarantee safe working conditions and high wages when the workers can not organize? The collective organization of workers into unions keeps businesses honest. Without unions, we would not have the 8 hour work-day or the minimum wage. Sadly, this important fact is often forgotten.

This legislation, if passed and that seems likely, will be one of the final nails in the coffin for workers all across the state. When workers can be fired with impunity and their right to air their grievances are further restricted by this policy, they will begin to realize how powerless, they really have become. There is still a chance, however, to turn the tide if the Senate is persuaded by citizens all across the state to block this bill. I for one, will be rooting for such an outcome.

-Hirak Pati





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