
Why We Should Follow New York's Example

The State of New York just passed a bill that will grant Same-sex Marriage, becoming the largest state to do so. Once it becomes legal, roughly 10% of the country's same-sex couples will have the right to marry. But why did it take New York so long? Why aren't more states following suit, or even on the federal level?

The biggest factor against equal rights is the religious people who are against it. Christianity, Judaism, and Islam all have more than significant numbers in America, and they all have passages in their holy text that condemns homosexuality. But we must remember that we are a separation of church and state. Marriage is not necessarily a religious right. Plenty of Atheists and Agnostics get married, and almost every single culture and country on this earth has had the concept of marriage. 

Even when you get religious people to agree to the above argument, then usually counter it with the  "it's against tradition" concept. Same-sex partnership has been recorded since ancient times. Arrangements similar to Civil Unions has been verified to exist in ancient parts of China and Europe. Same-sex marriage was even legal for quite some time in ancient Rome.  

Let's not forget that it's already legal in many countries currently. The Netherlands was the first modern country to make it nice and legal since 2001. Belgium, Spain, Canada, Norway, Sweden, South Africa, Iceland, Portugal, and Argentina have already legalized Same-sex marriage.  

If America is truly the land of the free, then why does the majority of the LGBT population have very little rights? If I had to predict how same-sex marriage will be legalize in every state, it will most likely be a Supreme Court decision. Similar to how Loving vs. Virginia nullified all state laws banning interracial marriages. It is sad that many of our politicians including many of our Democrats on state, and federal levels are too scared to vote for equal rights. I'm dissapointed to see nobody even try to push even something like Civil Unions on a Federal level. I know the court case concerning California is moving up in the courts, and I'm hoping the Supreme Court rules for equal rights not only for our friends on the west coast, but for every state.

By: Adam Rankin

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