
July 7th 2011 Election Meeting Recap

     I think one of my ideas is the recap each meeting (at least the ones I'm able to attend) to shed some light for newcomers, and regulars who happened to miss it. Yesterday was a big day, and due to some active recruiting we did see a lot of people RSVP the event on Facebook. However we didn't see quite that number since things comes up with people's personal lives. I hope to see them attend the next meeting though.

      I actually learned a little about our parking lot though, after you get passed the Democratic Party HQ sign there is a little road that leads to parking in the back I believe. I know parking in the front is a little cramp, so I think I will be parking in the rear next time to give newbies more space. Speaking of newbies we did get about 4 or 5 newcomers. I hope they enjoyed our meetings, and I hope to see them in future events.

     I actually tried to get there a little early (about 30 minutes) and was already beaten there by Jason, Mary, and Jacob. They were trying to set everything up real quick, they got rid of the table in our “community” room, and had far more chairs in there. Luckily I think we had just enough chairs for everyone to sit down. Shelly Lynch Roehrs and Jeff Ramsey also provide drinks, and popcorn for everyone to enjoy. They did a great job of helping us with the elections, and helping us follow official rules of conduct when deciding to democratically pass things like our Constitution and nominations.

     Being such a new group, we only 4 officer positions, and they were all uncontested. So given that, Jason Easley became President, Jacob Hinson became Vice President, Mary Kennedy became Secretary/Treasurer, and I (Adam Rankin) became the Media Director. We are giving out other roles so they can help the main four officers for example I'm hoping of making someone the “Lead Blogger” or the “Video Editor” for example. At the end of everything, we had our first real group picture taken, and I'm happy with the way it came out.

     But now we are officially a group with leaders and a purpose. Most of the “work” is already done with our foundation, all that is left is working even harder to recruit more members, and help turn Spartanburg from red to blue. So look out Spartanburg, here we come!

By: Adam Rankin

1 comment:

  1. Allen Singer7/8/11, 3:15 PM

    Thanks for a fine report Adam, and congrats to the officers and appointees. I hope to see everyone at the Party luncheon on Mon (7/11/11 --gotta be a lucky day, no?)
