
Recap: Monthly Spartanburg Democratic Lunch For July 11 2011

     Yesterday was my 2nd Democratic Montly lunch the main Spartanburg Democratic party does on the 2nd monday of every month. I was a bit excited even more so than last time, because the guest speaker was no other than our Mayor Junie White. 

     Unlike some politicians, Mayor White is pretty down to earth, and doesn't mind saying what's on his mind. Plus he's down to such a local level, that it's easy for any citizen of Spartanburg to know what was being discussed and how it effected them. Most of the things he went over is generally what I've already read in the paper such as the city budget, the proposed dog park, and the improvement of downtown buildings. 

     The Q&A segment was also quite intriguing. Most of the people who had a question spoke on a topic they cared deeply for. I know one woman was hoping that bikers would be asked off the walking trail at Duncan park. I've walked the trail there many times myself, and I've never encountered a problem with cyclists.  So I can't say I share her viewpoint. 

     After the speech and Q&A was done, our State House Representative Harold Mitchell (far back near the middle in the purple shirt) talked a little about the Voter ID bill. He gave us a few facts about the bill, and that (I believe) they have about 20 days to counter the bill legally.

     He came over a spoke a little to the Young Democrats, and I got to personally compliment his articles that he has written to the Herald Journal. He even was nice enough to pose a picture with me. He's really down to earth too, and really does care about his constituency . 

By: Adam Rankin

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