
Rebuild The Dream: Trey Gowdy Protest Recap

I think I speak for one of many citizens of Spartanburg who are fed up with Trey Gowdy. He's been nothing more than a liar and a hypocrite. He stands up not for the people of South Carolina but for the people with the biggest pockets for campaign contributions. His support for Paul Ryan's plan to destroy Medicare has motivated around 30 of us to take up a protest to the sidewalk with many more liberals there in spirit.

I had a pretty good time myself, and I'm sure the rest of the crowd shared my feelings. We had a lot of people honk in support of our cause. Most swarms of cars had at least 2 or 3 liberals who were fed up with Gowdy. I'd like to thank Debbie Morrow for putting the rally together, and everyone who promoted or came to the event.

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