
My Response to Jeff Horton's "No"

                        We can no longer stay silent on the issue of gay rights in our community.  The inability of a people to acknowledge the worth of another human being because of their natural inclinations is unacceptable.  Ask yourself, why would I make a “choice” to be hated, persecuted, or even killed for the sake of rebelling against accepted social mores?  Further more, if this “behavior” is considered “sexual depravity” of the purist kind, why haven’t heterosexual men and women sought after their own genders for sexual gratification?  By this logic heterosexuals could easily “choose” against their natural instincts of companionship with one another.  Opposing voices ignore the emotional attraction of a person that they share with the very groups they try to silence.  The LGBT community is no different than heterosexuals when it comes to love and companionship.  The sexual hang-ups about homosexuals, bisexuals, or transgendered people are unjustly condemned.  Heterosexuals are guilty of the same human nature.  We are all human beings and deserve equality amongst ourselves. 
                        Every time someone is bullied, do you take comfort in that fear?  When a man or woman is beaten, do you vicariously enjoy the victory that hate brings?  If someone is murdered would you look the other way?  There is no “middle ground” when it comes to a civil rights issue of protecting the well being of a society.  We must believe in the dignity of every person.  It is our duty as the keepers of our brethren to extend ourselves in charity to all.  I urge the adversaries of our cause to look within themselves and try to understand the weight of a cross that is not easy to bear. 

By: Jake Hinson

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