
Vermont Passes Universal Health Care Plan

Vermont is quite a unique state. They tend to make more choices in elections than voting on a straight party ticket, and they are now the first state to pass legislation that will grant a near-universal single payer-health care system for all the residents of Vermont. 

The law was signed by Governor Peter Shumlin (D) and a lot of the plan was organized and promoted by United States Senator Bernie Sanders (I) of Vermont. The plan isn't exactly like the health care systems of Canada or Europe yet, but it's expected that it will transition into something similar with a few years time. The plan hopes to offer citizens affordable coverage, and most of the billing will go to the State government. 

I hope for the sake of America, that we have a similar situation like that of Canada. While the Canadian health system has it's problems and many European systems outrank it, most Canadians are in favor of the system, and they voted the "Father of Medicare" aka Tommy Douglas as the "Greatest Canadian" in a TV poll that gave the late Douglas a movie based on his life.

Tommy Douglas became Premier (similar to Governor) of the Province of Saskatchewan. As Leader he improved the standard of living, and was in office for almost 20 years. He set up a universal health care system in his province, and the fear set up by private insurance companies, and private practice doctors led to a mass protest. But after some time, the plan proved to be a success, and the rest of Canada followed suit.  

Now the protesters of Universal Health Care have a new danger to the political scene. They can bash the Canadian or British all the time, because not too many Americans know Canadians personally. However, now the people of Vermont can step up when Republicans, Libertarians, and other Conservatives spread lies about universal health care.  

By: Adam Rankin

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