
Ayn Rand Was A Hypocrite

     Ayn Rand is an unknown to the general public, however to those who know the depths of the political world she is a huge figurehead for Republicans, Libertarians, and Conservatives. Rand came out and preached that "greed is good", and that selfishness is moral. She then said that Social programs (even ones like Social Security and Medicare) are evil, and often compared it to theft. 

     She is mainly known for her novels Atlas Shrugged, and The Fountain Head. Each have seen their sales go up in the recent years as Conservative groups urge further and further far-right. 

     However what most people don't know is that Ayn Rand met an ironic fate. When she was aging and suffering through lung cancer (she believed cigarettes were harmless) she took Social Security and Medicare benefits. She paid into the systems most of her life, however according to her philosophy she had become one of the parasites she often wrote about. 

By: Adam Rankin

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