
Heaven and Hell: The Fork in the Road, an opinionated commentary

Heaven and Hell: The Fork in the Road, an opinionated commentary

Hell is here, in this world as the lot of humanity, when men can lord over one another without the regulation of his conscience.  It is no wonder that we look towards the heavens for an answer, because when we look up into what seems infinite and greater than ourselves, we know eternity could swallow up time as we have fastened it. Even the physics of our world pulls us toward the grave.  Our nature is the beast, our bodies demanding submission to the biological tyrant within us.  But our soul, is the beauty that can soothe the savage.  Herein lies heaven and hell, the fork in the road.  Not so much is it that man has made these destinations, but feels them within himself.  Just as an equation makes it possible for the existence of things we can not see, is it possible that our own make up exemplifies a parallel dimension outside of our space and time?  Regardless, it is important enough for us to get it right here in this world.  Whether heaven and hell represent the eternal, there is reason to notice its potential reality inside us.  Whatever is within us will find its way outside of us as our free wills rub up against each other constantly.  Society as well as the self will find itself at the fork in the road, with choices that will determine its fate.  The result could either evolve us further up to ascension, or back to the dust from whence we came.

By: Jake Hinson

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