
The Truth About the Boston Tea Party

History is often misinterpreted and twisted by those who wish to change people's views. In school we all remember the story of White colonists dressing up like Native Americans while throwing tea into Boston Harbor. Lots of people remember the elementary-school given reason of "taxes" for the cause of the Tea Party and Revolutionary War, but is it really that simple?

The Republicans, and the Conservative Tea Party like to bring out the whole "Don't Tread on Me" logo, and the words "No Taxation Without Representation" as ammo for their political cause. I sincerely doubt 99% of the Tea Baggers even gets what "No Taxation Without Representation" even means. Colonists weren't exactly upset with the fact that they were getting taxed for a common good or service. They were upset that their tax money was being used against them, and that they had no seats in British Parliament. It's typical to see simple-minded conservatives turn the famous phrase into "No Taxation", even though they had representation in Congress, the State House, and locally for over 200 years. 

However one of the most common overlooked reasons for the Boston Tea Party was the criminal East India Company. With corporate welfare from the British government, the company was able to hold a near-monopoly on many areas of trade including tea. If you want a modern day example of this, think of our government and the Oil companies. 

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