
Marcus Bachmann Denies Running Ex-Gay Clinic

Congresswoman Michele Bachmann might be one of the most ultra-conservatives not only fiscally but socially as well. Homophobia is rampant in the Republican party, but Bachmann is very open about downright condemning the lifestyle instead of just hiding behind the "sanctity of marriage" argument. 

Her husband Marcus on the other hand is just about as homophobic as his wife. He's compared gay people to barbarians, and has denied trying to "cure" gay people at his therapy clinic. Whether he has or not, there is some irony in his practice since his business has collected a decent sum of money from Medicaid. Yes a government-run health insurance program; one of the many things his wife is supposed to be vastly against. 

Now that Michele is trying to run for President all the eyes are on her. Now there are reports that Marcus actually might be secretly gay himself. Jon Stewart recently mocked Mr. Bachmann on his hypocrisy on his show this week. Whether that's true or not, I wouldn't be surprised. If he was raised by a religious family that preached "pray the gay away", then I wouldn't doubt that there's a very lonely individual deep inside Marcus's soul.  

By: Adam Rankin

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