
A Plea for Workers Rights in an Anti-Union State

I was dismayed to see the news that the SC legislature approved a bill giving businesses an exemption on posting a notification that informs workers of their rights to unionize. State workers such as teachers already don't have the right to collectively bargain or strike which means they have to accept the wages they are given or risk being fired. Only 4.6% of all workers in South Carolina are currently in a union, so the idea that unions threaten small and large businesses does not hold water. In addition, South Carolina is a right-to-work state which means there is no requirement for union dues or membership as a condition of employment. A more plausible argument can be advanced that SC Republicans would like to dismantle any remaining support of unions for the Democratic Party in the state. Not only that, but these legislators also want to make certain that SC workers will be working at the minimum wage for the rest of their lives.

As a student that attends Vanderbilt University, I have gotten to see first hand the power of unions to promote the workers' interests. Vanderbilt's union was able to win a raise of 2.75% for its workers with an additional raise of 2%, better sick-time policies, and additional uniforms. Without the union, it is likely that Vanderbilt would have not granted their workers any of these improvements in policy. As a business, the focus is always on maximization of profit. What incentive is there to guarantee safe working conditions and high wages when the workers can not organize? The collective organization of workers into unions keeps businesses honest. Without unions, we would not have the 8 hour work-day or the minimum wage. Sadly, this important fact is often forgotten.

This legislation, if passed and that seems likely, will be one of the final nails in the coffin for workers all across the state. When workers can be fired with impunity and their right to air their grievances are further restricted by this policy, they will begin to realize how powerless, they really have become. There is still a chance, however, to turn the tide if the Senate is persuaded by citizens all across the state to block this bill. I for one, will be rooting for such an outcome.

-Hirak Pati




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Republicans' False Accusations of Socialism

When the average American thinks of Socialism, they most likely think of Communism, and the old Soviet Union. 

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Vermont Passes Universal Health Care Plan

Vermont is quite a unique state. They tend to make more choices in elections than voting on a straight party ticket, and they are now the first state to pass legislation that will grant a near-universal single payer-health care system for all the residents of Vermont. 

The law was signed by Governor Peter Shumlin (D) and a lot of the plan was organized and promoted by United States Senator Bernie Sanders (I) of Vermont. The plan isn't exactly like the health care systems of Canada or Europe yet, but it's expected that it will transition into something similar with a few years time. The plan hopes to offer citizens affordable coverage, and most of the billing will go to the State government. 

I hope for the sake of America, that we have a similar situation like that of Canada. While the Canadian health system has it's problems and many European systems outrank it, most Canadians are in favor of the system, and they voted the "Father of Medicare" aka Tommy Douglas as the "Greatest Canadian" in a TV poll that gave the late Douglas a movie based on his life.

Tommy Douglas became Premier (similar to Governor) of the Province of Saskatchewan. As Leader he improved the standard of living, and was in office for almost 20 years. He set up a universal health care system in his province, and the fear set up by private insurance companies, and private practice doctors led to a mass protest. But after some time, the plan proved to be a success, and the rest of Canada followed suit.  

Now the protesters of Universal Health Care have a new danger to the political scene. They can bash the Canadian or British all the time, because not too many Americans know Canadians personally. However, now the people of Vermont can step up when Republicans, Libertarians, and other Conservatives spread lies about universal health care.  

By: Adam Rankin

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My Response to Jeff Horton's "No"

                        We can no longer stay silent on the issue of gay rights in our community.  The inability of a people to acknowledge the worth of another human being because of their natural inclinations is unacceptable.  Ask yourself, why would I make a “choice” to be hated, persecuted, or even killed for the sake of rebelling against accepted social mores?  Further more, if this “behavior” is considered “sexual depravity” of the purist kind, why haven’t heterosexual men and women sought after their own genders for sexual gratification?  By this logic heterosexuals could easily “choose” against their natural instincts of companionship with one another.  Opposing voices ignore the emotional attraction of a person that they share with the very groups they try to silence.  The LGBT community is no different than heterosexuals when it comes to love and companionship.  The sexual hang-ups about homosexuals, bisexuals, or transgendered people are unjustly condemned.  Heterosexuals are guilty of the same human nature.  We are all human beings and deserve equality amongst ourselves. 
                        Every time someone is bullied, do you take comfort in that fear?  When a man or woman is beaten, do you vicariously enjoy the victory that hate brings?  If someone is murdered would you look the other way?  There is no “middle ground” when it comes to a civil rights issue of protecting the well being of a society.  We must believe in the dignity of every person.  It is our duty as the keepers of our brethren to extend ourselves in charity to all.  I urge the adversaries of our cause to look within themselves and try to understand the weight of a cross that is not easy to bear. 

By: Jake Hinson
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Top 5 Cheapest Gas Prices in the World

You think gas prices are high here? Well it could be lower, much lower. According to CNN/Money these are the top five lowest countries. Most of the countries in the lower part of the list actually nationalize their oil industries. Meaning the government takes the oil in their land, and sells it back to their citizens instead of letting private companies jack up prices.

#5. Saudi Arabia 

The very oil rich country sells gas at about $0.91 cents a gallon. 

#4: Kuwait

The tiny country we helped during the Gulf War sells gas at $0.78 cents a gallon. 

#3: Egypt

Egyptians might of had a lot to protest about recently, but I'm sure gas prices weren't one of the issues. They sell it at about $0.65 cents a gallon. 

#2: Nigeria

The African country sells gas at about $0.38 cents a gallon.

#1: Venezuela  

The Communist South American country sells gas at $0.12 cents a gallon.

Wrote by: Adam Rankin

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South Carolina fights health plan, yet takes funds | GoUpstate.com

This is one more thing the country looks at us and say's... what a bunch of hypocrites.

The state has so far received $16.8 million in new grant funding from the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, according to data from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. There are bench mark dead lines that have been missed and A Blue Cross Blue Shield rep on the board. What does that tell you about whats going on in South Carolina and just to remind everybody, the republicans have been running the show for awhile now. So if you have problems who do think should get the blame. Our state rep's in Columbia who have been there for decades or a president who has 
been in Washington for 3 years.
South Carolina fights health plan, yet takes funds | GoUpstate.com
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SC Forward Progress

Check out one of the hottest news sources in South Carolina. Thanks SC Forward Progress is a voice for those of us caught behind enemy lines.... Spartanburg SC. Check out one of the hottest news sources in South Carolina.

SC Forward Progress Click Here to Read More..

Spartanburg County Says No To LGBT Day | WSPA

This is one more case of our current elected officially showing there constituents a total lack of respect.Take a moment and vote.... Lets start today letting good old Spartanburg know the we're here. Please take a moment and vote.... Lets start today letting good old Spartanburg know the we're here.

Spartanburg County Says No To LGBT Day | WSPA Click Here to Read More..


VIDEO: No Transparency on Obama’s Political Donations Executive Order | The Foundry

What A hypocrite.... This is the same man that with one of his first votes, he chose to NOT VOTE for transparency with regards to him or his colleague's choice of federal funded health care.


"Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC): Does it strike you at all as being ironic to invoke confidentiality and not answering questions when we’re having a hearing about transparency?”"

VIDEO: No Transparency on Obama’s Political Donations Executive Order | The Foundry: Click Here to Read More..